Company development has been constant from its foundation up to now, keeping maximum flexibility to meet clients’ needs. From the point of view of the traditional operational scope, the Company has focussed on the regions of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Trentino-Alto Adige.
Over the years there has been a progressive consolidation of clients and services, leading to the simultaneous management of 164 municipalities having a total population of 567,127 inhabitants and a maximum of ___ private clients. Over the past years, services have been provided in ___ different municipalities, both on a single or consortium basis. As far as consortia are concerned, the Company serves 28 municipalities under a sole contract in a mountain area (with a population of approximately 40,000 inhabitants), and 32 municipalities in a plain area with a population of over 130,000 inhabitants.
The maximum amount of annually managed waste is approximately 170,000 tons, divided into 18 different types of waste. The commitment to a progressive waste sorting is clear from the following diagram indicating the volumes of sorted and non-sorted waste collected over the last ten years.
Starting from 2009, the increasing volume of sorted waste indicates the period of maximum sorted collection started for large municipality consortia, or public companies created by municipalities themselves. Data include both urban and special waste collected separately.
Main service catchment areas
The main service catchment areas where SAGER has developed its own activity are:
- Bassa Friulana (Province of Udine)
- Media Udinese (Province of Udine)
- Mountain Community of Carnia (Province of Udine);
- Mountain Community of Gemona, Canal del Ferro, Val Canale (Province of Udine)
- Mountain Community of Comelico and Sappada (Province of Belluno)
- Mountain Community of Centro Cadore (Province of Belluno)
- District Community of Val Pusteria (Province of Bolzano)
- District Community of Burgraviato (Province of Bolzano)
- City of Trieste
- City of Udine